Podiatry Services

Dr. Jeffery Kleis is a leading provider for podiatry and laser nail fungus treatments in Southern California. Located in Costa Mesa, CA, Dr. Kleis sees patients from throughout Orange County and Los Angeles County, as well as being sought regularly by patients from Europe, the Middle East, Canada, South America, and Mexico.

World Leader in Laser Nail Treatments

Dr. Kleis has been recognized as a world leader in the field of laser treatment for nail fungus and onychomycosis.  He is one of only a few doctors in the US who has used more than one brand of laser to treat fungal nail. With more than 25 years of experience, Dr. Kleis has been on the leading edge of new laser technology development, having been integral in the development of the GenesisPlus laser by Cutera. He also assists in the training of other doctors throughout the world in the proper use of laser technology for the treatment of nail fungus. Dr. Kleis is featured in the training video for the Cutera Laser.

Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeon

Dr. Kleis is also a board-certified foot surgeon, regularly treating patients with foot and ankle issues that require surgery. Sports injuries and falls are common causes of foot and ankle pain. Dr. Kleis is experienced in the treatment of all types of foot pain, including plantar fasciitis and bunions. Treatments for plantar fasciitis often include non-surgical methods, including acoustic wave treatments, a non-invasive laser and shock wave therapy. Treating bunions sometimes requires surgery, though the recovery time is often relatively short and better quality of life can be achieved through correction.

Our Services

At Costa Mesa Podiatrist, Dr. Kleis offers a range of services to ensure that your feet are healthy, strong, and able to provide a firm foundation for a fulfilled life. Patients often seek Dr. Kleis as a result of foot pain, nail fungus, plantar fasciitis, onychomycosis, athlete’s foot, and bunions. Dr. Kleis is committed to using as non-invasive an approach as each situation will allow. His patients often recommend him for his professional, knowledgeable, and personable manner.

Achilles Tendon Injuries

Injuries to the thick band of tissues that connect your heel to your calf muscle can cause extreme pain and discomfort. Repeated activities, sports injuries, and overuse can result in injuries to the Achilles tendon.

Dr. Kleis offers diagnosis and treatment services for Achilles tendon. First, Dr. Kleis performs a complete physical exam and reviews your medical history. He may take an X-ray or other imaging tests to evaluate the severity of the condition and rule out other possible injuries.

Once he confirms a diagnosis of Achilles tendonitis, Dr. Kleis creates a personalized treatment plan. Depending on your the specifics of your case, treatment may include:

  • Kleis utilizes the EPAT acoustic wave treatment and low-level laser therapy for tendonitis.  He is one of the only doctors in southern California to offer both treatments. These treatments are used by many professional sports teams and have been clinically proven to be some of the most effective treatments for Achille's tendonitis.  Rarely is surgery needed when these two treatments are used.
  • Immobilization with a walking boot
  • Custom orthotic devices
  • Splints to stretch the Achilles tendon worn at night
  • Oral anti-inflammatory medications
  • Physical therapy exercises to strengthen and stretch the Achilles tendon

If you suspect you have an Achilles tendon injury, call or book an appointment with Dr. Kleis online today.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of foot pain. The pain from plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation in the plantar fascia, the thick band of tissues that runs lengthwise along the bottom of your foot, from your heel to your toes. When this band of tissue is inflamed, it causes stabbing and sometimes extreme pain when you step. The first steps of the morning can be especially painful.

Causes of plantar fasciitis foot pain include aging, specific types of exercise that places a lot of stress on your heels, the shape of a person’s foot, extra weight, and too much time on your feet. If you are experiencing foot pain from plantar fasciitis, Dr. Kleis has treatments that can help.

Plantar Fasciitis Services

Services for treating plantar fasciitis include non-invasive techniques like shockwave and acoustic wave treatments, laser treatments, and therapy. Surgery may be required in extreme cases, however, Dr. Klein works with you to determine the best and least invasive therapies that will work to treat your plantar fasciitis foot pain.


The most common fungi to cause toenail infection is Trichophyton rubrum or T. rubrum. T. rubrum causes onychomycosis, a condition that causes the nail to raise up from the nail bed. Usually, this process begins at the end of the toe, raising the toenail up and eventually causing the toenail to become thick and flaky. This condition is often accompanied by athletes foot between the toes or on the bottom of the foot.

A less common form of onychomycosis is called “proximal subungual onychomycosis” and starts at the base of the toenail, at the cuticle. From there, the toenail begins to raise up and spread toward the tip of the toenail. This form of onychomycosis is most often seen in patients with diabetes.

Yeast Onychomycosis

Candida is a common form of yeast that can cause yellow, brown, white or thickened nails. Patients with Candida toenail or fingernail infections often have yeast infections in their mouths, as well. Candida fungal infections cause the nails to flake off and exposes the nail bed underneath. Candida infections are sometimes accompanied by paronychia, an infection of the cuticle around the nail.

Onychomycosis Treatments

Onychomycosis can be treated with oral medications, topical medicines, or laser treatments. Oral medication carries risks of side effects and topical medications have a hard time penetrating the nail to kill the fungus. Laser treatments, however, have proven effective against all types of toenail fungus and have no side effects. The laser treatment is painless and won’t harm healthy tissue, eliminating the need for anesthesia or pain medication after the treatments.

Laser Onychomycosis treatments last about thirty minutes, during which the patient experiences a warming sensation where the laser is focused, but no pain. The laser light heats the fungal organisms, killing them without harming healthy tissue. Patients can return to normal activity as soon as the treatment is concluded.

Athletes Foot

Athlete’s foot is the name of a fungal infection of the skin in the foot. It is caused by a fungus called Trichophyton, which is commonly found in clothes and on the floor. When this fungus comes into contact with the skin of the foot, contained inside warm, moist shoes, the fungus is encouraged to grow. Because the conditions that encourage athlete’s foot are specific to shoe-wearing, only a tiny fraction of people who regularly go barefoot ever develop athlete’s foot. However, the fungus is so common, that about 70 percent of people will develop a case of athlete’s foot at some point in their lifetime.

Dr. Kleis offers a variety of treatments for athlete’s foot, including creams and other topical treatments, oral treatments, and laser treatments.

Foot Pain Services

Foot pain can come from a variety of sources. Often a fall or other injury will cause foot and ankle pain, sometimes requiring corrective treatment or surgery. Other times, however, foot pain comes on slowly. At first, the sufferer is barely aware of discomfort in the foot, but it grows over time until the pain in the foot takes over the sufferer’s ability to complete everyday tasks. Walking and playing become difficult, or even impossible before some people seek help.

Foot Pain From Thick Toenails

Pain from thickened toenails can come on slowly, sometimes taking years to fully manifest. Thick toenails are caused by a fungus infection and can be barely noticed at first. Often, it isn’t until the fungus infection is advanced and toenails are thick, unsightly, and often painful that people take notice. Dr. Kleis offers treatment for thick toenails that don’t require surgery or any invasive procedure. Laser treatments offer some of the most effective treatments for thickened toenails. Recipients of laser toenail treatment often report clearer, healthier nails after just one treatment.

Foot Pain From Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of foot pain. The pain from plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation in the plantar fascia, the thick band of tissues that runs lengthwise along the bottom of your foot, from your heel to your toes. When this band of tissue is inflamed, it causes stabbing and sometimes extreme pain when you step. The first steps of the morning can be especially painful.

Causes of plantar fasciitis foot pain include aging, specific types of exercise that places a lot of stress on your heels, the shape of a person’s foot, extra weight, and too much time on your feet. If you are experiencing foot pain from plantar fasciitis, Dr. Kleis has treatments that can help.

Plantar Fasciitis Services

Services for treating plantar fasciitis include non-invasive techniques like shockwave and acoustic wave treatments, laser treatments, and therapy. Surgery may be required in extreme cases, however, Dr. Klein works with you to determine the best and least invasive therapies that will work to treat your plantar fasciitis foot pain.

Bunion Services

Bunions are painful bumps that develop at the base of the big toe joint. Once a bunion develops, it may cause your big toe to press inward, toward your smaller toes, causing calluses and corns to develop. Family history plays a role in the development of bunions, as does spending a great deal of time on your feet or wearing shoes that don’t fit correctly. Women are more susceptible to developing bunions, though anyone can get them. 

Dr. Kleis will diagnose bunions using a physical examination and, if necessary, Xrays. Then, he will develop an individualized plan for the treatment of your bunions. Bunion treatments include:

  • Low-level laser treatment or acoustic wave therapy
  • Padding the bunion
  • Oral or injectable anti-inflammatory medication
  • Orthotic devices

Dr. Kleis examines every possible treatment before recommending surgery. However, if your bunion causes severe pain or doesn’t improve with nonsurgical treatment, he may advise surgery to remove the bunion and correct your foot alignment.

Foot Care Services

Dr. Kleis is a board-certified podiatrist concerned with all aspects of foot care. In children and the elderly, proper foot care is especially important. Dr. Kleis is dedicated to assisting people at all stages in achieving optimal foot health. From pediatric foot care to diabetic foot care, Dr. Kleis can offer individualized plans that will help you achieve healthy feet for life.

Diabetic Foot Care

For people with diabetes, foot care is especially important. The high blood glucose levels that are common with diabetes can cause damage to the nervous system, leading to difficulties in the sensation and health of the feet. A weakened nervous system also impairs sweat secretion and oil production in feet, leading to abnormal pressure during walking and skin problems that can lead to sores on the feet.

Dr. Kleis can work with you to ensure that your feet are well cared for, and help you to reduce the likelihood of infection and complications from diabetes.

Hammertoe Services

Hammertoe is most often caused by injuries, genetics, and arthritis. Hammertoe is primarily found in the second to the fifth toes and is recognized by the shape of the toe, when the toe joints bend abnormally, causing the toe to look like an upside-down V when viewed from the side.

Hammertoes are progressive, so symptoms get worse and don’t resolve on their own. Common signs and symptoms of hammertoe include:

  • Pain or irritation while wearing shoes
  • Inflammation or redness
  • One or more abnormally bent toes
  • Corns or calluses on the toes or ball of the foot
  • Restricted motion in the toe joint

Over time, the toe can become rigid and develop open sores that may become infected. This condition never improves without treatment, that’s why it’s best to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kleis as soon as you notice symptoms of hammertoe.

Dr. Kleis can diagnose hammertoe through a physical exam and possibly by taking an X-ray. He will develop an individualized treatment plan that may include a change in footwear, callous and corn treatments, orthotic footwear, oral or injectable medications, and splinting the affected toe. Occasionally, surgical treatment is required to treat hammertoe. For expert hammertoe treatment, call or book an appointment online with Dr. Kleis today.

Ingrown Toenail Services

Ingrown toenails are a common, but extremely painful condition that may require the assistance of a podiatrist to effectively treat and heal. The most common causes of ingrown toenails are the improper trimming of the toenails, cutting them too close to the nail bed and allowing the surrounding skin to grow up over the nail. Other causes can be stubbing your toe, wearing shoes that fit too tightly, and nail fungus. Family history can play a role in ingrown toenails, as well.

Dr. Kleis can diagnose and treat your ingrown toenails and help you develop an individualized treatment plan that will help prevent future ingrown toenails. Patients suffering from diabetes must be especially vigilant in seeking treatment for ingrown toenails, as foot infections in diabetic patients can progress more rapidly and become more serious.

Nail Fungus Laser Treatments

If you notice that your toenails are getting increasingly thick and difficult to cut, you may have a toenail fungus infection. The microbes that cause toenail fungus flourish in dark, moist places. You can come into contact with the microbes that cause toenail fungus in places like public pools or showers. Wearing tight shoes while doing sweaty work or exercising can also allow the fungus to take root in your toenails.

In the beginning, toenail fungus is difficult to spot, but you may notice that your toenails start to thicken and get more and more difficult to cut. This is a sign that you have a fungus infection in your toenails and should seek treatment.

Dr. Kleis is the leading provider for laser nail fungus treatments in Southern California. He has successfully treated hundreds of patients for toenail fungus infections, restoring their natural beautiful nails. Before your toenails get any thicker, you should schedule a consultation with Dr. Kleis to see if laser toenail treatment is right for you. Call (714) 760-4944 

Osteoarthritis Services

Degenerative joint disease, or osteoarthritis, is the most common type of arthritis. Osteoarthritis results from the normal wear and tear experienced by a person’s joints over the years. It most commonly occurs in the major joints but can also affect the feet and ankles, causing pain. Osteoarthritis develops over time, causing joint pain and stiffness, swelling in the joints, and eventually weakness and limited mobility. Osteoarthritis in the ankles or feet can cause difficulty or pain will navigating stairs, walking, or performing everyday activities.

Dr. Klein can diagnose and treat your osteoarthritis using a complete physical exam and perhaps some laboratory tests to rule out other types of arthritis. Once osteoarthritis has been diagnosed, Dr. Kleis will develop an individualized treatment plan that could include anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, shockwave or acoustic wave therapy, or orthotic inserts or devices. Dr. Kleis is dedicated to finding non-invasive therapies whenever possible and will only recommend surgery as a last resort. 

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most serious types of arthritis and can affect all of the small joints in your body, including your ankles, forefoot, and toes. Common symptoms of RA include joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. When RA affects the foot and ankles, you may also experience hammertoes, painful lumps or Rheumatoid nodules, bunions, toe dislocations, heel pain, and ankle pain.

To diagnose rheumatoid arthritis, Dr. Kleis will begin with a thorough examination and a review of your medical history. He will likely take blood tests or x-rays to evaluate the extent of your condition. Dr. Kleis will then develop an individualized treatment plan for RA that may include accommodative shoes, injections, laser treatment, acoustic wave treatments, and physical therapy.



Call us at 714-760-4944 or fill out the contact form above with your info.

Diabetes is a disease where the body can’t remove glucose from the blood. The hormone insulin is created by the pancreas and used to move sugar from the bloodstream and into the muscles where the body can use it for energy. In diabetic patients,...

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Plantar warts are non-cancerous growths that occur on the bottom of the feet. Plantar warts are caused by particular strains of the HPV virus that enters the body through tiny cracks or breaks in the skin of the foot. All warts are caused by...

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While the majority of children may not need a podiatrist while they’re young, some parents may have concerns about the way their children are walking or the way their feet or ankles are developing. Some of the conditions common to children like...

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Ingrown toenails are a common problem in adults and teens where the edge of the toenail digs into the skin of the toe and the toenail grows into the flesh of the toe. The condition is painful and can become more painful if left untreated....

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An infection is defined as the invasion of the body and the body’s tissues by a foreign organism that reproduces and causes disease. Not all infections result in serious disease. However, any potential infection of the body should be guarded...

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Calluses are thick areas of skin that develop on the hands and feet in response to repeated friction or pressure. These thick pads of skin are the body’s defense against potential injury, as the area of the hands or feet that experience abnormal...

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Athlete’s foot is an uncomfortable and unsightly condition resulting from a fungal infection on the skin of the foot. Athlete’s foot generally begins between the toes, caused by sweaty feet being trapped in tight-fitting shoes. Athlete’s foot is...

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What is hammertoe? A hammertoe deformity occurs when the toe joints bend abnormally to resemble a hammer, or an upside-down V when viewed from the side. This podiatric condition can affect any toe but is most common in the second through fifth...

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We ask a lot of our feet. Every day, all day long, we require our feet and legs to carry us around and perform without complaining. So, when our feet hurt, we take notice! Tired, achy feet at the end of the day are one thing, but when we experience...

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Bunions are a common foot problem that develops over time, usually caused by a combination of genetic factors and shoe-wear habits. While bunions can be painful, they do not always require intervention by an orthopedic doctor, like Dr. Kleis....

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What is an ingrown toenail? Ingrown toenails are a common condition that occurs when the corner of your nail curves and grows into the surrounding skin. When the nail digs into the skin, the surrounding tissue becomes irritated and inflamed,...

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Xerosis is a common condition. So common, in fact, that nearly every person will experience xerosis at least once in their lifetime. Xerosis is simply the medical term for very dry skin. It is derived from the Greek words “Xero” meaning dry and...

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Our feet take a beating daily. We use our feet for nearly everything that we do, often taking their function and health for granted until something goes wrong. Keeping our feet healthy and strong will pay dividends in every area of our...

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Sprains and strains are common injuries that affect the soft tissues surrounding the joints in the body. Both injuries are similar in their symptoms. They are painful, with swelling and redness often occurring in the injured area. While a sprained...

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Runners put their bodies through a lot. Injuries among runners are almost unavoidable if a person runs much, at all. Understanding your body’s limitations and building up your endurance before running long distances is key to avoiding injuries and...

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Dr. Jeffery Kleis is a leading provider for podiatry and laser nail fungus treatments in Southern California. Located in Costa Mesa, CA, Dr. Kleis sees patients from throughout Orange County and Los Angeles County, as well as being sought regularly...

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  Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful condition affecting more than a million Americans. Women are nearly three times more likely to get rheumatoid arthritis and the condition often leads to other problems in the body, as well. Rheumatoid arthritis...

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Osteoarthritis is also called degenerative joint disease and is the most common form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis affects millions of people worldwide. While osteoarthritis occurs most commonly in the hands, knee, hips, and spine, it can affect any...

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The skin is the body’s largest organ. It serves a vital purpose in protecting the body from the impurities that exist in the world around us. The skin is filled with special cells that protect the body from viruses bacteria and other threats. When...

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Plantar fasciitis is a common condition, causing foot pain for more than 3 million people nationwide. Pain from plantar fasciitis occurs primarily in the heel of the foot and is described as a stabbing pain that usually occurs first thing in the...

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Toenail fungus is a common condition, especially among athletes, older individuals, and people with compromised immune systems. Up to 10% of the population is estimated to suffer from toenail fungus infections. This condition is so common because...

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Irritation and inflammation in your Achilles tendon could mean that you have Achilles tendonitis. Achilles tendonitis causes pain and can lead to a bone spur on the back of your heel bone. While this is an injury that most often occurs in athletes...

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