Nail Fungus
Dr. Jeffrey Kleis, DPM is a foot specialist with over 25 years experience in treating patients with nail fungus. Toenail fungus can be caused from fungi, bacteria, mold and or yeast. Many patients often suffer from multiple types of infections rendering over the counter nail fungus treatment options ineffective. Traditional treatments such as pills and topical creams, oils, liquids offer little hope for most patients. The anti-fungal pills could cause liver damage and even death. The topicals for nail fungus rarely result in positive nail changes. From his offices in Southern California, Dr. Kleis has helped thousands of patients who suffer from the embarrassment of fungal nails. Several types of non-invasive laser treatments are currently available in the office that offer excellent results and low risks of side effects. Call today to discuss these innovative laser nail fungus treatments and great your feet free of embarrassing, ugly, painful toenail fungus. Are you tired of not being able to go barefoot or wear sandals for fear of others seeing your ugly nails? Contact Dr. Jeffrey Kleis, DPM today and get your feet ready for summer.

Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis is the most common cause of foot and heel pain in adults. Plantar Fasciitis can also cause swelling of the heel. This is caused from irritation or inflammation of the ligament known as the plantar fascia which runs along the bottom of the foot. Causes of Heel Pain include inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or bursitis. Neuroma or nerve growth, Strenuous exercise, Obesity, Standing for long periods, Improperly fitting shoes and Stress fractures.
These conditions may also occur with heel spurs and can also be treated in a variety of ways. Please contact the office and ask which treatment is right for you. Dr. Jeffrey Kleis, DPM offers a multiple number of treatment options to suit each patient. Dr. Kleis is one of the first Podiatrists in Orange County to offer non-invasive treatments such as acoustic wave treatment, low level laser therapy and shockwave for the treatment of Plantar Fasciitis. These high-tech treatments of plantar fasciitis are often utilized by professional sports teams on their elite athletes, and now you can have access to the same technology. To seek relief from heel pain, plantar fasciitis and foot pain please call the office of Dr. Jeffrey Kleis, DPM to be connected to one of our friendly staff members.

Onychomycosis is a very common and treatable medical condition. Treatments offered by Dr. Kleis include laser nail therapy, oral antifungal medication, medicated nail polish and topic treatments. The common symptoms of Onychomycosis also referred to as nail fungus may be a change in toenail appearance, thickness of the toenail, and or pain in the toenails. In is estimated that nearly 1 in 10 Californians suffer from Onychomycosis. While Onychomycosis is believed to be approximately 80% due to toenail infections directly caused by dermatophytes (Trichophyton rubrum).In the remaining 20% of cases, non-dermatophyte molds and yeasts (Candida) are responsible. One of the common issues with treatment are that traditional over the counter ointments and creams are not able to penetrate the toenail to get to the root of the toenail bed making them less than 10% effective in clinical studies. Prescription oral medication studies show over 11-22% success rates and may have very severe negative side effects including kidney damage and in rare cases death. Laser toenail fungus therapy treatments show approximately 88% success rates with no known side effects and are quick and with less discomfort. If you or someone you know suffers from Onychomycosis, call Dr. Kleis and schedule a visit at his Orange County office to see if laser nail therapy treatments are right.

Athletes Foot
Athlete’s foot also known scientifically as Tinea Pedis is a common fungal infection. Typically, Athlete’s foot starts at the toes and can spread to the rest of the foot and even under the toenails. Often occurring in those whose feet are sweaty while wearing snug fitting footwear. Symptoms of Athlete’s foot include itchy, stinging, burning sensation on the foot or toes. In server cases, scaly rashes are common. Many advanced treatments are available to patients of Dr. Kleis at his Orange County office centrally location in Costa Mesa. These treatments include prescription topicals, oral medication and laser treatments. If left untreated the condition can spread to other parts of the feet and even to the hands. Symptoms can worsen and cause skin blisters, cracks, other infections and embarrassment in public situations like going to the pool, beach, gym or yoga class. As with most medical conditions, it is important to seek professional medical treatment as soon as symptoms appear. Contrary to popular belief, athlete’s foot does not go away on its own, so it is important to make an appointment and review treatment options as soon as possible.

Foot Pain
It has often been said that the feet are the foundation or our bodies and are health. As a result, foot pain is one of the most reported and common areas of health for which patients in Orange County seek medical treatment. If the pain is in the heel of the foot, it is often plantar fasciitis and can be treated by Dr. Kleis using a number of advanced high-tech options including acoustic wave therapy, EPAT, low lever laser as well as surgical and non-surgical approaches. In his convenient location in Costa Mesa, California Dr. Kleis offers the most cutting-edge treatments for all parts of the foot and toes. Heel spurs are another commonly noted diagnosis related to foot pain. These abnormal growths are located on the bottom side of the heel on the foot and can be caused from bad posture, certain physical activities and even poor choice of footwear. It is always important to consult with a Podiatrist regarding foot pain and related fee conditions to prevent the conditions from worsening and affecting other parts of the body and health.

A bunion as referred to as hallux valgus is a bony bump on the inside of a foot at the joint for the big toe. While many are born with this unsightly condition, bunions can also develop over time from pressure on the big toe and from wearing poorly fitting shoes. Pressure on the joints of the toes can cause the big toe to turn inward toward the smaller toes. This common condition and lead to patients having to wear specialty shoes, orthotics or need surgical intervention to correct the foot. If left untreated bunions can lead to arthritis in the large toes, bad posture and issues with alignment of other parts of the body. Surgical procedures to correct bunions are common and can be done with relatively short recover times. Most health insurance policies cover bunions as medically necessary, however be sure to check with your insurance provider for copays and deductibles. The friendly office staff at the Orange County office of Dr. Kleis in Costa Mesa will be happy to verify insurance coverage and schedule an office visit to help determine if bunion surgery is right for you. Other non-surgical options may also be available as every case and patient are unique.